Working group session:
Germplasm and Genetic Stocks
Presentation type:
ramazani moghaddam, mohammad reza; vafaeitabar, mosarreza
ramazani moghaddam, mohammad reza
ramazani moghaddam, mohammad reza
Endemic cotton(Gossypium herbaceum) cultivars possess characteristics of course fiber (micronare >5) and short staple (18-22mm) while upland cotton cultivars produce fibers with micronare lesser than 5 and 28-32 mm length. In this study 10 endemic cotton cultivars were used at Varamin and Kashmar stations for crossing with arboreum species, cultivar VTDL which have good fiber quality and has been introduced from India. In 2nd an 3rd years all F1 hybrids were crossed with their herbaceum parent. The Hybrids showed high value of fiber quality. F1 Bandar-Abass x arboreum was with highest span length fibers (27.6mm). In the third year back-cross of the mentioned hybrid along with two other back-crossed of Sabzevar x VTDL and Sahreza x VTDL showed highest span length fibers ( 23.5, 24.6 and 25.1 mm acordingly ). While maximum value of span length fiber in herbaceum cultivars was 22.6mm. In fourth year all back-crosses along with F3 and parents seeds were grown and selection as well as back-crossing was carried out. Totally, results showed that fiber length of cultivars like Qum could improve through crossing with arboreum. Since there is high level of variability among each group of offspring resulted from crosses, hence selection for fixing the traits and discovering of elite plants in view of various characteristics is essential.