- January 14-16, 2025: The 2025 Beltwide Cotton Conference (BWCC) - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- Thursday, Jan 15-16, Cotton Improvement Conference
- CottonGen BIMS for Effective and Efficient Management of Breeding Data
- Oct. 16, 2024: Deadline for submitting a request to present (oral or poster)
- Thursday, Jan 15-16, Cotton Improvement Conference
- January 10-15, 2025: Plant and Animal Genome Conference / PAG 32
- Saturday, Jan 11, 12:00- 12:20 PM: Fruit/Nuts Workshop
- Sunday, Jan 12 1:30-3:40 PM:
- Sunday, Jan 12 4:00-6:10 PM
- Monday, Jan 13 1:50 PM: Digital Tools and Resources Session 3
- Nov. 3, 2024: Deadline for Poster Abstract Submission
- Oct 31, 2024: Deadline for Early Registration
Tashkent, Toshkent Shahri, Uzbekistan
- January 12-17, 2024: The International Plant and Animal Genome Conference (PAG 31). San Diego, CA, USA
- Nov. 3, 2023: Deadline for Poster Abstract Submission
- Oct 31, 2023: Deadline for Early Registration
- January x, 2023: PAG 2024 ICGI Workshop
- Oct 20, 2023: Deadline for potential oral presentation in the ICGI workshop
- Oct 20, 2023: Deadline for potential oral presentation in the ICGI workshop
- January 3-5, 2024: The 2024 Beltwide Cotton Conference (BWCC) - Omni, Fort Worth, TX USA
- Oct 15, 2023: Deadline for requests to present/paper
- January 13-18, 2023: International Plant & Animal Genome XXX (PAG), San Diego, CA, USA
- Nov. 4, 2022: Deadline for Poster Abstract Submission
- Oct 31, 2022: Deadline for Early Registration
- January 10-12, 2023: The 2023 Beltwide Cotton Conference (BWCC) - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- Oct 16, 2022: Deadline for requests to present/paper
Links to Submit a request to present at the conference
- Oct 16, 2022: Deadline for requests to present/paper
- January 8-12, 2022: International Plant & Animal Genome XXIX (PAG), San Diego, CA, USA
- Oct. 31, 2021: Deadline for early registration
- Oct. 29, 2021: Deadline for Poster Abstract Submission
- January 9, 2022: PAG 2022 ICGI Workshop
- Oct. 15, 2022: Deadline for request oral presentation
Detailed information about submitting the required oral presentation in the workshop
- Oct. 15, 2022: Deadline for request oral presentation
- January 4-6, 2022: The 2022 Beltwide Cotton Conference (BWCC) - Antonio, Texas, USA
- Oct 17, 2021: Deadline for requests to present/paper
Links to Submit a request to present at the conference
- Oct 17, 2021: Deadline for requests to present/paper
January 7-9, 2021: The 2021 Beltwide Cotton Conference (BWCC) - fully virtual
Oct 15, 2020: Poster Abstract Submission Deadline
January 11-15, 2020: International Plant & Animal Genome XXVIII (PAG), San Diego, CA, USA
- Dev. 2, 2019: Poster, Digital Tools, and Resources Abstract Editing Deadline
- Nov. 1, 2019: Early Registration Deadline
- Oct. 27, 2019: Poster Abstract Submission Deadline
- January 12, 2019: PAG2020-ICGI Workshop
- Dec. 31, 2019: Workshop Abstract Editing Deadline
- Dec. 15, 2019: Workshop Abstract Submission Deadline
- Oct. 16, 2019: Request for Workshop Speakers Deadline
- January 8-10, 2020: The 2020 Beltwide Cotton Conferences (BWCC), Austin, Texas, USA
- Oct. 15, 2019: The "Call for Papers" is now open and closes
January 12-16, 2019: International Plant & Animal Genome XXVII (PAG), Town and Country Hotel in San Diego, CA, USA
Nov. 2, 2018: deadline for PAG Abstract Submission
Nov. 2, 2018: Early Registration Closes
Jan 13, 2019: PAG-ICGI Workshop
Sept 14, 2018: deadline for PAG Workshop Proposal Submission
Oct. 19, 2018: deadline for application to present a talk at ICGI Workshop (Submit via email to cotton@zju.edu.cn and john.yu@ars.usda.gov)
January 8-10, 2019: The 2019 Beltwide Cotton Conference (BWCC), New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Dec. 28, 2018: Last day to upload presentations or PDF posters online before the 2019 BWCC
Oct 16, 2018: Submit requests to present and call for papers closes
- May 28 – Jun 1, 2018: ICGI 2018 Research Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland
- Jan 13-17, 2018: International Plant & Animal Genome XXVI, Town and Country Hotel in San Diego, CA, USA
- Oct 27, 2017 - The deadline for Poster & Computer Demo Submission is
- Oct 31, 2017 - The deadline for Early Registration is
- Jan 14, 2018: PAG-ICGI Workshop
- Oct 20, 2017 - For Oral Presentation, send an abstract to Dr. Tianzhen Zhang, Dr. John Yu
- Oct 20, 2017 - The deadline for Workshop Abstract Submissions
- Jan 3-5, 2018: The 2018 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Marriott Rivercenter hotel in San Antonio, Texas, USA
- Oct 16, 2017 - Requests to present and call for papers closes
- Dec 13, 2017 - Last-day conference hotel room rate guaranteed to be available
- Dec 18, 2017 - The deadline for Early Registration
- January 14-18, 2017: International Plant & Animal Genome XXV (PAG), Town and Country Hotel in San Diego, CA, USA
- Important Deadlines
- The Early-Registration - Oct. 31, 2016
- The Poster & Computer Demo Submission - October 28, 2016
The Poster & Computer Demo Submission Editing - December 2, 2016
- January 15, 2017 Sanday (4:00 PM-6:10 PM): PAG-ICGI Workshop. Room TBD
- The Deadlines for
- Workshop Organizers to Submit Content/Post Speakers is November 18, 2016
Workshop Abstract Submissions is December 2, 2016
Workshop Abstract Submission Editing is December 9, 2016
- Workshop Organizers to Submit Content/Post Speakers is November 18, 2016
- The Deadlines for
- January 4-6, 2017: The 2017 Beltwide Cotton Conferences (BWCC), the Hyatt Regency Dallas Hotel, Dallas, TX, USA
- The deadline for a request to present is Oct. 16, 2016
Please open the "Call for Papers" link or navigate to the memo from the BWCC website when you are ready to submit a request to present. - The deadline for Discounted Registration is Dec 14, 2016
- The deadline for a request to present is Oct. 16, 2016
- Important Deadlines
- May 2 - 6, 2016: WCRC-6 & ICGI 2016 Goiânia Research Conference, Convention Center, Goiânia Convention Center, Goiânia - Goiás, Brazil
- The Registration and Abstract Submission website: http://www.wcrc-6.com/eng_inscricao.html
The deadline for Earlier Registration with a 5% discount is: February 29, 2016
The deadline for Abstract Submission is: March 31, 2016
The deadline for Registration is: April 20, 2016
For other detailed information, please visit http://www.wcrc-6.com/eng_inscricao.html
- The Registration and Abstract Submission website: http://www.wcrc-6.com/eng_inscricao.html
- January 9-13, 2016: International Plant & Animal Genome XXIV, Town and Country Hotel in San Diego, CA, USA
- The deadline for Early-Registration Deadline is Oct. 30, 2015
- The deadline for Poster & Computer Demo Abstract Submissions is October 30, 2015
The deadline for Poster & Computer Demo Abstract Submissions Editing is November 13, 2015
- January 10, 2016 (4:00 PM-6:10 PM): PAG-ICGI Workshop. Sunset - Meeting House, Town and Country Hotel in San Diego, CA, USA
- The deadline for Workshop Proposals is October 1, 2015.
The deadline for submitting Workshop volunteered and nominated talks is October 21, 2015
The deadline for Workshop Abstract Submission is November 6, 2015.
The deadline for Workshop Organizers to Submit Content is November 13, 2015.
The deadline for Workshop Abstract Submission Editing is November 13, 2015.
- The deadline for Workshop Proposals is October 1, 2015.
- January 5-7, 2016: Beltwide Cotton Conference 2016, the New Orleans Marriott Hotel in New Orleans, LA, USA
- The deadline for Submit a request to present is Oct. 15, 2015
- The deadline for Discounted Registration is Dec 14, 2015
- January 11, 2015: International Cotton Genome Initiative Workshop at PAG XXIII, San Diego, California, USA
- January 5 - 7, 2015: Beltwide Cotton Conferences 2015, San Antonio, Texas, USA
- September 25-28, 2014: ICGI 2014 Research Conference, Wuhan, Hubei, China
- Proceedings of the ICGI 2014 Conference was released at http://www.cottongen.org/ejournal/show/1/_/3
- January 12, 2014: International Cotton Genome Initiative Workshop at PAG XXII, San Diego, California, USA
- January 6 - 8, 2014: Beltwide Cotton Conferences 2014, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- September 15-18, 2013: Cotton Breeders Tour 2013, Lubbock, Texas USA
- January 13, 2013: International Cotton Genome Initiative Workshop at PAG XXI, San Diego, California, USA
- January 7-10, 2013, Beltwide Cotton Conference 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- October 12, 2012: ICGI 2012 Research Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
- Proceedings of the ICGI 2012 Conference were released at http://www.cottongen.org/ejournal/current/1.
- January 15, 2012: International Cotton Genome Initiative Workshop at PAG XX, San Diego, California, USA
- January 3-6, 2012: Beltwide Cotton Conferences 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA