- [OUTREACH] 2025 January CottonGen Newsletter released (1/30/25)
- [DATA] GWAS data of 2901 fiber quality traits with markers and AD1-CRI genome positions available (1/17/25)
- [OUTREACH] CottonGen Oral presentation at the 2025 Beltwide Cotton Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana (1/16/25)
- [OUTREACH] CottonGen_2024_year_end_flyer released (12/22/24)
- [DATA] NCGC before 2006 germplasm evaluation data updated (12/20/24)
- [OUTREACH] Training Video: How to find orthologs and corresponding functional annotations (11/28/24)
- [DATA] RBTN 2023 fiber traits data added and searchable (11/14/23)
- [DATA] New genome assemblies TM-1_HAU_v2.0 and 3-79_HAU_v3.0 available (11/8/24)
- [OUTREACH] 2024 October CottonGen Newsletter released (10/31/24)
- [DATA] Gossypium raimondii (D5) Telomere-to-Telomere genome PKU_v1.0 data available (10/30/24)
- [OUTREACH] CottonGen Oral presented at the WORLD COTTON RESEARCH CONFERENCE-8 & ICGI-2024, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (10/3-7/24)
- [OUTREACH] Training Video: Search marker by trait & view its genome position (9/27/24)
- [DATA] Added new traits and descriptors, and NCGC Characterized data trait T37-T40 (9/27/24)
- [DATA] NCGC Characterized data trait T23-T36 added (9/20/24)
- [DATA] 155 new NCGC germplasm names added (9/19/24)
- [DATA] NCGC Characterized data trait 13-22 added (9/19/24)
- [DATA] Add more germplasm names from NCGC data (9/19/24)
- lDATA] NCGC Characterized data trait 1-12 added (9/18/24)
- [OUTREACH] Training Video: Search markers by trait & view the marker's genome position (8/30/24)
- [DATA] Added new germplasm registration publications (8/30/24)
- [DATA] Added 49 new or updated germplasm (8/30/24)
- [DATA] New or updated NCGC traits and descriptors (8/21/24)
- [OUTREACH] 2024 July CottonGen Newsletter released (7/31/24)
- [DATA] 148 QTLs of agronomic, fiber quality, and abiotic stress tolerance traits added (7/31/24)
- [DATA] 2528 GWAS genome positions on NAU-NBI v1 genome added to JBrowse (7/25/24)
- [DATA] 2489 CottonGen identified QTLs added to NAU-NBI v1 genome (7/25/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen Primer/GWAS/QTL on NAU-NBI genome identified and a GFF3 file created (7/25/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen sequence-based InDel and RFLP marker positions on NAU-NBI genome added (7/22/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen sequence-based SNP marker positions add to AD1-NBI genome (7/19/24)
- [DATA] 77996 NAU-NBI-SSR (NAU origin) marker positions on NAU-NBI genome added to chado (7/16/24)
- [DATA] 3 Gene annotation data from microPublication biology added (7/15/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen sequence-based SSR marker positions added to AD1-NBI genome (7/15/24)
- [DATA] NAU-NBI-SSR marker positions on Dt chromosomes and scaffolds added to chado (7/10/24)
- [OUTREACH] Training Video: How to use the Ortholog/Paralog search (6/30/24)
- [DATA] Four new genetic maps with 50 QTLs available (6/30/24)
- [DATA] 2386 CottonGen identified QTLs added to AD1-UTX v2.1 genome (6/30/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen QTL on AD1-UTX genome identified and a GFF3 file created (6/20/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen sequence-based SNP marker positions on AD1-UTX genome added to chado (6/19/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen sequence-based InDel marker positions on AD1-UTX genome added to chado (6/13/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen sequence-based RFLP marker positions on AD1-UTX genome added to chado (6/12/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen sequence-based SSR marker positions on AD1-UTX genome added to chado (6/11/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen primer-based marker positions on AD1-UTX genome added to chado (6/8/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional annotations added to K.cookei, K.drynarioides, and K.kauaiensis genomes (6/7/24)
- [DATA] 123 New publications from Journals of Cotton Research and Cotton Sciences added (6/4/24)
- [OUTREACH] Training Video: Search and Download Protein Sequences (5/30/24)
- [SEARCH] Protein sequences are now included in Sequence Searches (5/28/24)
- [DATA] New whole genome assemblies of AD1 cultivars CSX 8308, GA230, and UA48 available (5/15/24)
- [DATA] New whole genome assemblies of Kokia species K.cookei, K.drynarioides, and K.kauaiensis available (5/8/24)
- [OUTREACH] 2024 April CottonGen Newsletter released (4/30/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional annotations added to Gossypium barbadense (AD2) 'Gb_M210936' genome HAU_v1 (4/22/24)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional annotations added to XAAS Gossypium hirsutum (AD1) 'Yuanmian11' genome assembly (4/2/24)
- [OUTREACH] Training Video: Downloading markers from a map region (3/31/24)
- [DATA] New ZJU Gossypium hirsutum wild (Gossypium purpurascens Poir.) HPF17 genome assembly and annotation data (3/29/24)
- [DATA] 3641 NAU SSR primers added (3/20/24)
- [DATA] New HAU 12 G. barbadense whole genome assemblies added (3/11/24)
- [DATA] New HAU Gossypium barbadense (AD2) 'Gb_M210936' genome assembly available (3/6/24)
- [OUTREACH] Training Video: How to find a marker associated with a trait. (2/29/24)
- [DATA] New flower images of 17 wild species were added to each of their home pages. (2/22/24)
- [DATA] Pages of Species updated with 3 new species and corrections on genome names within the K genome group - according to Wang 2018 (2/22/24)
- [DATA] Genes from 6 whole genome data added(5) or updated(1) to CottonCyc. (2/16/24)
- [DATA] New XAAS Gossypium hirsutum (AD1) 'Yuanmian11' genome assembly [NCBI assemblyID: GCA_035221635.1] available (2/9/24)
- [OUTREACH] 2024 January CottonGen Newsletter released (1/30/24)
- [OUTREACH] CottonGen Oral and Poster Presented at Plant and Animal Genome Conference 31, (1/12-18/24)
- [OUTREACH] CottonGen Oral Presented at Cotton Improvement Conference, 2024 Beltwide Cotton Conference (1/3-5/24)
- [DATA] Add new genetic and physical maps 206 QTLs added (12/23)
- [DATA] 3973 SLAP (Specific-Locus Amplified Fragments) markers with genome location added (12/23)
- [DATA] A new G.hirsutum genetic map with 96 new QTLs added (12/24/23)
- [OUTREACH] CottonGen 2023 in Review (12/23/23)
- [DATA] 129 new markers and 50 QTLs added from two publications (12/16/23)
- [DATA] All genome sequences and map linkage groups are standardized (12/13/23)
- [DATA] 78K new SSR markers identified from AD1-NBI genome available at JBrowse (11/30/23)
- [OUTREACH] Training Video: Learn how to view correspondences between genomes and genetic maps (11/29/23)
- [DATA] Add a new GbxGh genetic map with 7.7K new SNP marker/loci and 17 QTLs (11/29/23)
- [DATA] 78K new SSR markers identified from AD1-NBI genome available (11/27/23)
- [DATA] GWAS data of 1986 fiber qualities traits available (11/16/23)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional analysis added to Gossypium hirsutum (AD1) 'PSC355' genome USDA_v1 (11/12/23)
- [OUTREACH] CottonGen 2023 4th Newsletter released (10/31/23)
- [SEARCH] GWAS data searchable (10/28/23)
- [DATA] USDA Gossypium hirsutum 'PSC355' genome and annotation data available (10/16/23)
- [WEB] US State Cotton Variety Test Results Updated (10/13/22)
- [DATA] Four CRI's new D-genome assemblies available (D22_CRI, D3k_CRI, D6_CRI, D8_CRI) (10/8/23)
- [OUTREACH] Training Video: Learn How to use the Expression Heatmap Tool (9/30/23)
- [DATA] Expression data of 54.5K genes on 18 biosamples of 3 upland cultivars in RKN-resistance study (9/27/23)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional analysis added to Gossypium sturtianum (C1) genome HAU_v1 (9/26/23)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional analysis added to Gossypium arboreum (A2) 'SXY1' genome HAU_v2 (9/23/23)
- [DATA] Expression data of 4,352 genes on 27 G. trilobum biosamples in V. dahliae resistance study (9/22/23)
- [DATA] Expression data of 4,090 genes on 27 G. therberi biosamples in V. dahliae resistance study (9/22/23)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional analysis added to Gossypium herbaceum (A1) 'A1a wild' genome HAU_v1 (9/21/23)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional analysis added to Gossypium anomalum (B1) genome HAU_v1 (9/20/23)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional analysis added to Gossypium herbaceum (A1) 'ZhongCao1' genome HAU_v1 (9/19/23)
- [DATA] Expression data of 4,779 genes on 27 G. raimondii biosamples in V. dahliae resistance study (9/22/23)
- [DATA] Seven HAU's new diploid genome assemblies available (A1_HAU, A1_HAU_wild, B1_HAU, C1_HAU, E1_HAU, F1_HAU, G1_HAU) (9/8/23)
- [DATA] Gene Annotation data from a new microPublication biology added (8/30/23)
- [DATA] Expression data of 27 root development genes added - view one of them (8/29/23)
- [TOOLS] Tripal Loaders for gene expression added (8/24/23)
- [DATA] RBTN 2022 fiber traits data added (8/23/23)
- [OUTREACH] CottonGen 2023 3rd Newsletter released (7/31/23)
- [OUTREACH] July 16, 2023 - BIMS and FieldBook at the Breeding Tools Workshop, National Association of Plant Breeding Annual Meeting (7/26/2023)
- [DATA] Over 500 new Germplasm data (PI, name, description, origin, etc.) added (7/15/23)
- [DATA] Updated CN germplasm evaluation data (7/3/23)
- [DATA] Updated UZ germplasm evaluation data (7/2/23)
- [OUTREACH] Training video: Training Video: How to search traits and see all the linked data (6/30/23)
- [ICGI] Per ICGI bylaws, the ICGI biennially election for ICGI officers starts today (6/27/23)
- [DATA] Over 2K AD1-NBI_GWAS data and their phenotype_data added to chado (6/17/23)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional analysis added to Gossypium stephensii (AD7) 'AD701' genome CRI_v1 (6/12/23)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional analysis added to Gossypium hirsutum (AD1) 'TX-1000' genome CRI_v1 (6/12/23)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional analysis added to Gossypium ekmanianum (AD6) 'AD602' genome CRI_v1 6/2/23)
- [OUTREACH] Training video: Training Video: Learn How to Use MegaSearch for Genes and Transcripts available (5/31/23)
- [SYSTEMS] CottonGen server systems updated to chado v1.3 and tripal v3.1 (5/4/23)
- [SYSTEMS] CottonGen database server systems upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04, Drupal 7.95, PHP 8.1.18, postgres 12 (5/4/23)
- [OUTREACH] 2023 2nd CottonGen Newsletter released (4/29/23)
- [SEARCH] New Trait page and 'Search Trait' available (4/26/23)
- [DATA] CottonGen functional analysis added to HAU Gossypium arboreum (A2) 'ShiXiYa-1' genome [NCBI assembly ASM2569848v2] (4/25/23)
- [SEARCH] MegaSearch updated to allow searching records with empty fields (4/11/23)
- [ICGI] As a consequence of the changes in ICGI ByLaws, a membership verification is completed and ready for the upcoming election. (4/7/23)
- [OUTREACH] Training video: Learn how to view genomes linked to genetic maps (3/31/23)
- [TOOLS] Ortholog page added to gene/mRNA page (3/29/23)
- [ICGI] 2023 Vote for ICGI Amendment Closed (3/26/23)
- [DATA] A2-CRI GWAS-related phenotype data online available (3/28/23)
- [DATA] New CRI Gossypium hirsutum (AD1) 'TX1000' genome assembly and annotation data available (3/22/23)
- [DATA] New CRI Gossypium stephensii (AD7) genome assembly and annotation data available (3/22/23)
- [DATA] New CRI Gossypium ekmanianum (AD6) genome assembly and annotation data available (3/22/23)
- [DATA] A2-CRI_GWAS data of data and related phenotype data added to chado (3/2/23)
- [OUTREACH] Training video: Learn how to search cotton markers using MegaSearch (2/28/23)
- [SYSTEMS] Moving cottongen-list from Mailchimp back to Mailman3 (2/28/23)
- [ICGI] Set up 2023 ICGI Amendment Vote Introduction Page, Vote Form, and Link to Member's Profile (2/27/23)
- [DATA] Added A2-CRI SNP and Indel Markers and genome locations (2/22/23)
- [DATA] New Gene_annotation template developed and first a few data added (2/17/23)
- [DATA] New HAU Gossypium raimondii (D5) 'GPD5lz' genome assembly [NCBI assemblyID: ASM2569854v1] available (1/2/23)
- [DATA] New HAU Gossypium arboreum (A2) 'ShiXiYa-1' genome assembly [NCBI assembly ASM2569848v2] available (1/31/23)
- [OUTREACH] 2023 January CottonGen Newsletter released (1/31/23)
- [DATA] G. arboreum (A2) 'ShiXiYa-1' genome HAU v2 available (1/30/23)
- [OUTREACH] CottonGen Poster Presented at Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXX, (1/13-18/23)
- [OUTREACH] CottonGen Poster Presented at Cotton Improvement Conference, 2023 Beltwide Cotton Conference (1/10-12/23)
Work Completed in Previous Years:
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013