How to Effectively Search and Download Data in CottonGen

Working group session: 
Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics
Presentation type: 
5 minute Oral and Poster
Cheng, Chun-Huai
Yu, Jing
Jung, Sook
Zheng, Ping
Humann, Jodi
Lee, Taein
McGaughey, Deah
Mohan, Amita
Frank, Morgan
Hough, Heidi
Udall, Josh
Jones, Don
Main, Dorrie
Author Affliation: 
Washington State University
Washington State University
Washington State University
Washington State University
Washington State University
Washington State University
Washington State University
Washington State University
Washington State University
Washington State University
Washington State University
Cotton Incorporated
Washington State University
CottonGen ( is a curated and integrated web-based relational database providing access to publicly available genomic, genetic and breeding resources for cotton research discovery and crop improvement. CottonGen contains annotated whole genome sequences, reference transcriptomes, gene sequences from NCBI, pathways, genetic maps, trait, germplasm, marker, breeding, publication and community member data. In this presentation we show how to effectively search, filter and download data in CottonGen. CottonGen is directly supported by Cotton Incorporated, USDA-ARS, the cotton industry and USDA NIFA National Research Support Project 10.