- [DATA] Added UCD SNP genotype data, contains 23,037 genotypic scores that from 1,005 SNPs screened on 24 germplasm (12/30/15)
- [WEB] The newly designed CottonGen is released (12/23/2015)
- [DATA] Added UCD InDel genotype data, which contain 6,005 genotypic scores from 279 InDels screened on 24 germplasm (12/14/15)
- [WEB] CottonGen develop site started to use newly designed web interfaces (12/15/15)
- [SYS] CottonGen develop site upgraded to Drupal v7 and Tripal v2 (12/10/15)
- [DATA] Added NCGC new data: 383,935 trait scores of 50 traits evaluated on 8,976 germplasm in 38 environments since before 2006 till 2015 (12/5/15)
- [DATA] Added 50 trait descriptors of the new NCGC germplasm characterization dataset cvterms (11/11/15)
- [DATA] Added 1,975 new germplsm names from NCGC new germplasm characterization dataset (11/11/15)
- [DATA] Homology data between TM-1 genome and proteins of cotton and other species available (9/10/15)
- [WEB] New Genome Data Download Page available (8/24/15)
- [DATA] TM-1 genome sequence with nucleotide (marker, SNP, unignen, transcript) alignments available in CottonGen JBrowse (8/20/15)
- Submission of cotton book chapter proofing (6/9/15)
- [DATA] BLAST server sequence databases updated (5/8/15)
- [DATA] TM-1 genome sequence and annotation data available on CottonGen BLAST servers (5/1/15)
- [DATA] TM-1 genome sequence and annotation data available on Cottongen Data Download (4/24/15)
- [DATA] NCBI sequences reloaded and updated to fit chado new tables (3/6/15)
- [ICGI] ICGI 2015 Election for ICGI Officers and ICGI By-Law amendments (2/13/15 - 3/29/15)
- CottonGen presented at PAG XXIII Computer Demo, San Diego, California, USA (1/12/15)