
Useful Agronomic Traits: Strong fibers, resistance to leaf curl virus, resistance to reniform nematode (Shim J, et al. 2018).

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Gossypium sturtianum

Useful Agronomic Traits: Glandless-seed and glanded-plant, Resistance to Fusarium wilt (Shim J, et al. 2018).

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Useful Agronomic Traits: Tolerance to mild frost via defoliation, high resistance to Verticillium dahliae test (Shim J, et al. 2018).

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Gossypium tomentosum, commonly known as Maʻo or Hawaiian cotton, is a species of cotton plant that is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. It inhabits low shrublands at elevations from sea level to 120 m. Maʻo is a shrub that reaches a height of 1.5–5 ft and a diameter of 5–10 ft.- Wikipedia

Useful Agronomic Traits: Tolerance to heat, source of the nectariless trait for resistance against tarnished plant bug, fleahop-pers, boll r... [more]

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