Descriptor Overview
Trait Descriptorstigma
Of Traitstigma exsertion
Definitionstigma exsertion descriptor code definition from NCGC: 1=normal (stigma clears the antheridial cone); 2=protruding (stigma is beyond the antheridial cone); 3=extreme protruding (stigma is well beyond the antheridial cone and can surpass petal length); 4=short buried (stigma is hidden by the tip of the antheridial cone); 9=seg/off type –(plot is segregating or the rating is off the standard scale).
Alias[view all 1]
Trait Categorymorphological trait
Datasets[view all 20]
Germplasm[view all 18019]
Download Table
Sample nameSepeciesGermplasmstigma
SA 2405 CS09-0611 SD|PI 607229|cdbgm_005466|SA 2405|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumSA-2405normal
SA 2407 CS09-0911 SD|PI 607231|cdbgm_005468|SA 2407|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumSA-2407normal
SA 2457 CS09-0101 SD|PI 607281|cdbgm_005503|SA 2457|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumDES ANOM 277normal
SA 2458 CS09-0301 SD|PI 607282|cdbgm_005504|SA 2458|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumDES ARB 16normal
SA 2459 CS09-0501 SD|PI 607283|cdbgm_005505|SA 2459|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumDES ARB 277normal
SA 2460 CS09-0107 SD|PI 607284|cdbgm_005506.2|SA 2460|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumDES HAF 16 (PI 607284)normal
SA 2461 CS09-0707 SD|PI 607285|cdbgm_005507|SA 2461|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumDes Herb 16normal
SA 2462 CS09-0208 SD|PI 607286|cdbgm_005508|SA 2462|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumDES TOM 16normal
SA 2463 CS09-0508 SD|PI 607287|cdbgm_005509|SA 2463|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumDES TOM 277normal
SA 2470 CS09-1209 SD|PI 607294|cdbgm_015131|SA 2470|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumSA-2470normal
SA 2486 CS09-1211 SD|PI 607310|cdbgm_005532.1|SA 2486|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumMaljari (PI 607310)normal
SA 250 CS09-0204 SD|PI 528614|cdbgm_002540|SA 250|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumCoker's Cleveland 884normal
SA 2508 CS09-0309 SD|PI 607332|cdbgm_005550|SA 2508|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumDES BARB 16normal
SA 2509 CS09-0609 SD|PI 607333|cdbgm_005551|SA 2509|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumDES HAF 277normal
SA 2544 CS09-0410 SD|PI 607365|cdbgm_005575|SA 2544|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumDES ANOM 16normal
SA 281 CS09-0804 SD|PI 528635|cdbgm_002561|SA 281|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumHopi Moencopinormal
SA 296 CS09-0305 SD|PI 528645|cdbgm_002571|SA 296|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumCleveland W.R. Wannamaker'snormal
SA 308 CS09-0605 SD|PI 528654|cdbgm_002580.3|SA 308|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumStoneville 2b (PI 528654)normal
SA 356 CS09-0905 SD|PI 528691|cdbgm_002617.2|SA 356|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumFarm Relief (PI 528691)normal
SA 358 CS09-1205 SD|PI 528693|cdbgm_002619.1|SA 358|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumMexican (PI 528693)normal
SA 360 CS09-0106 SD|PI 528694|cdbgm_002620|SA 360|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumFlorida Green Seednormal
SA 3604 CS09-0112 SD|PI 695074|cdbgm_008236|SA 3604|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumDelcot 277Jnormal
SA 3623 CS09-0712 SD|PI 601474|cdbgm_008375|SA 3623|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumGermain's Acala GC-356normal
SA 3730 CS09-1312 SD|PI 694362|cdbgm_008983.1|SA 3730|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumMcNair 1032 (PI 694362)normal
SA 3775 CS09-0201 SD|PI 598361|cdbgm_008399|SA 3775|US_TX_CST|2009hirsutumHS-22normal
File NameLegend
ncgc_desc_Stigma.jpgNCGC standardized descriptor panel image: stigma exsertion
st_JHR-56-21.jpgstigma (st). Pistils of Gossypium hirsuium L. illustrations. [Image from McMichael 1965, JHR-56-21]