Please note, that other data can be downloaded through the search interfaces. Only major data is available through this downloads page.
- Whole Genomes Sequence Data (FASTA or GFF3 | EXCEL | TXT files) include:
- From original genome sequencing project: assemblies and annotations
- From CottonGen: functional annotations, protein homologies, marker and transcript alignments
- Click to view and download data of:
- Diploids
- A genome last update 10/2/23
- D1-D4 genomes last update 10/07/23
- D5 genome last update 10/30/24
- D6-D11 genomes last update 10/07/23
- Other diploid genomes last update 10/2/23
- Gossypioides and Kokia species New 5/8/24
- Tetraploids
- G. hirsutum (AD1) TM-1 last update 3/11/25
- G. hirsutum (AD1): ZM24 | NDM8 | B713 | Bar32 | TX1000 | PSC355 | YM11 | HPF17 | UA48 | UGA230 | CSX8308 last update 5/15/24
- G. barbadense (AD2): 3-79 | Hai-7124 | Pima90 | M210936 & AD3-AD7 last update11/8/24
- G. barbadense (AD2): HAU 12 G. barbadense genome dataset New 3/11/24
- Diploids
- Chloroplast Genomes
- Mitochondrial Genomes
- Genome Project SNP Data (VCF files)
- Unigene and RefTran Data
- FASTA files
- Request clustering data
- Transposable Element (TE) Sequences (FASTA) new 05/10/21
- Array Data (FASTA | EXCEL)
- Marker Data (FASTA | EXCEL | TXT) last update 11/28/18
- Marker sequences
- Marker primer and source information
- Gene/Transcript Data - via search result download 'Table' or 'Fasta'
- Germplasm Data - via search result download 'Table'
- Phenotype Data - via search result download 'Table'
- QTL Data - via search result download 'Table'
- Sequences - via search result download 'Table' or 'Fasta'
- SSR/SNP Genotype Data - via search result download 'Table'
- Trait and Trait Descriptors - via search result download 'Table'
NCBI SRA Datasets (information and links)